Malik A K Abualzait التطبيقات

راديو محمد راتب النابلسي 1.6
Malik A K Abualzait
تطبيق صغير لبث مباشر لمحاضرات فضيلة محمد راتبالنابلسيA small application fordirect broadcast lectures virtue Mohammed Rateb Al-Nabulsi
Malik Answers Arabic مليك انسر
Malik A K Abualzait
This is an interactive game. It is about avirtual soul. In this game you are the one to guess about yourfriend's secret.If you love to play tricks on your friends or family members, leadthem to your mobile and introduce them to Peter. Have them choose aquestion, type it in, and Peter will amaze everyone in the room.But you alone know the key to Malik's success! Here is how to doit.Tell them that Malik is psychic and can answer any question thatthey already know the answer to. Have them choose a question, typeit in, and Peter will amaze everyone in the room. But you aloneknow the key to Ghost's success...Fool your friend with this fake "Virtual Tarot"!HOW TO USE ****in the “Petition” field, just type a “.” and start typing theanswer to the question that you’re going to ask in the next field.At the end of the answer, type another “.” and then continue typingthe rest of “Peter, please answer the following question:” To theperson sitting next to you, it only appears as though you’ve typedthat one question – especially if you’re a fast typist.So, now you know the secret. Submitting the question that you’vealready entered the answer for and clicking OK will result in Peterproviding your answer. The person next to you who’s watching willbe astounded and flabbergasted by the amazing accuracy of thisvirtual tarot. Just don’t be too accurate, as you’ll raisesuspicion. Once you’re through, you can proudly claim another AskPeter believer under your belt. In doing so, you’ve perfectlyportrayed the terrible gullibility that runs rampant throughout theworld.ExampleFirst Petition Field ".Malik."-->then complete the rest of thePetition sentenceanswer Field "What is my Name?"
Love Confessions
Malik A K Abualzait
You can use this application topost and read other lovers problems ,and try to help them .meet new girls and guys and make new relationshipsThis application doesnt share any personal information with public.
Sudoku Pro 1.4
Malik A K Abualzait
Traditional Sudoku is a 9x9 puzzle grid madeup of nine 3x3 regions. Each region, row, and column contains ninecells each. See the example below.Sudoku PuzzleHow To Play Sudoku Start The numbers shown in the example are the"givens". These numbers can not be changed in any puzzle.You solve the puzzle by filling in the empty cells with a singlenumber (from all the possible candidates) that doesn't violateSudoku rules. There is only one correct number per cell.Scan the "givens" looking for the same number in different rows,columns, or regions. Eliminate cells for consideration by applyingthe Sudoku rules using these numbers.In cases where the solution isn't immediately obvious, you markupor pencil in a vacant cell the possible candidates for futurereference.Consider using the blank Sudoku grid with candidates method todetermine all the possible candidates. This can save you time insolving puzzles and prevent missing important candidates. It willalso reveal answers that are not immediately obviousotherwise.After you have identified the possible candidates it is time toapply some logic. It is necessary to eliminate all candidates toarrive at a single answer for each cell. I'll cover this topic inmore detail in related articles.The Sudoku Puzzle ChallengeComplete the Sudoku puzzle so that each and every row, column, andregion contains the numbers one through nine only once.The puzzle above I would rate as very easy. I hand crafted thispuzzle. It can be solved using simple logic and eliminating a fewcandidates.It is interesting to note that it is not the quantity of givensthat make a Sudoku puzzle easy or hard. Rather, it is the locationand combination of givens.How To Play SudokuSudoku Puzzle Scan For OnesHow To Play Sudoku Scan 1s In this example on how to play Sudoku,we begin playing Sudoku by scanning the puzzle.It doesn't matter where you start. I suggest looking for the numberthat has several "givens". The more givens of a particular numberoften means that it will be easier to solve.In this case you can see that there are three number ones(1).Applying the Sudoku rule, you know that a 1 can not go in any row,column, or region that already has a 1. Plus you know, that everyrow, column, and region must have a 1.The scans are marked with red arrows in this example. The twoparallel scans from the two ones in the middle tier prevent anyones in the top two rows of the left most region. The vertical scaneliminates the middle cell of the bottom row fromconsideration.In this example, you can see that there is only one cell (markedwith a black X) that can contain a 1 in the left most region in themiddle tier. Enter a 1 in the cell marked with an X.Now that a cell is solved, you should look to see if it will helpus solve another cell or two. In this case there aren't enoughclues to solve for ones at this time.Likewise there aren't enough clues using this method for twos orthrees at this time.Let's look at the fours for your next lesson on how to playSudoku.Sudoku Puzzle Scan For FoursHow To Solve Sudoku Scan 4s You can see a similar pattern in thefours as there was in the ones above. In the lower left region youcan see that there is only one cell (marked with an X) that isn'teliminated using the scan method. Enter a 4 there.See if you can find the rest of the fours. You have enoughclues.Now continue solving for fives through eights. Your grid will looklike the next graphic in the center of your grid.
تحليل الشخصية المتقدم 1.0
Malik A K Abualzait
شارك في صناعة هذا الاختبار علماء نفس أكفاءبتخصص العلوم الانسانيةيحتوي التطبيق على سلسلة من الاسئلة التي تتعلق باكثر من جانب منجوانب الشخصية و تحلل الشخصية من عدة نواحيParticipated in themanufacture of this same qualified scientists majoring inhumanities testApplication on a series of questions that relate to more thanone side of the personal aspects of personal and analyzed severalaspects contain
Chatbot : Chat with Malik 1.2
Malik A K Abualzait
This is still a beta version we will besupporting it in the coming days ! .with this application you can chat with this chat bot it iscalled Malik .what you can do else :- Teach the chatbot the things that it doesnt know- Make it as your friend